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ExportNet - PRA Hints

Please note that the exempt Code for Personal Effects (EXPE) or Exempt Low Value Goods (EXLV) cannot be accepted on a PRA. The Freight Forwarder or Shipping Line responsible for the goods must apply to Customs for a Consolidated Reference Number (CRN). The CRN is used on the PRA.

These occur when the container number in the PRA does not precisely match the container number delivered. For example a user may insert 0CLU1234567 in the PRA and then deliver OCLU1234567 (zeros mistakenly entered in the PRA when they should have been letter Os). Whilst standards for container numbers exist and the majority of containers comply with the standards, they are not universal which is why neither 1-Stop nor ExportNet2 validates against them. Users must therefore check carefully what they enter in the PRAs. Neither Commerce Plus nor 1-Stop can accept any liability for user input errors.

The CAN and SEAL number are left empty and the ‘Full/Empty’ indicator must be selected as EMPTY. Also the terminal commodity code must have one of the EMPTY codes selected.