Smart Imports

Commerce Plus Smart Imports is an industry initiative designed to improve the efficiency of the import delivery order process. Smart Imports incorporates the following features designed to improve the Shipping Line’s workflow and integrating with global systems:

  • Send and receive Pre-Alerts and Arrival Notices using common Shipping Line messaging formats such as Bayplans and Manifests
  • Receiving parties can request DOs, Pre-Alerts, Arrival Notices and cargo status via a web site
  • eIDO sub-set can be sent to CTOs via 1-Stop, maintaining privacy while meeting industry needs
  • Automated PIN number generation and sending to CTO and releasing party
  • Any-to-any messaging for releasing parties
  • Use EDI and web forms concurrently
  • Container tracking including commercial release, vessel voyage etc via website and automated alerts 


  • Global application integration to met Australian port requirements for delivery orders
  • Predefined logic for container return parks based on container type and location
  • Time Saving - allows you the earliest possible access to imported goods.
  • Provides enhanced customer service
  • Access to update single or batches of Delivery Orders via website
  • Smart Imports enables you to sent your Delivery Orders in any format your customer requires
  • FREE Help Desk support
  • No software to buy or maintain
  • Pay as you go, low cost charging.